Building Impactful Relationships

communication leadership Nov 03, 2022

#LeadandLift | Episode 54 | Tiersa Hall

It’s very common for managers to be results oriented. With this mindset, you can get a lot of important tasks done but if you don’t watch yourself, you’ll forget the significant part of your work as a leader which is building impactful relationships.

“Every leader has to be building relationships. That's one of the foundational things of leadership because you've got to work with other people.” 

Tiersa Hall said that, “most of the challenges that leaders and persons have in communicating with others, and being able to lead them boils down to their ability to build impactful relationships.”

We know that efficiency doesn't always equal quality relationships. What happens when we don’t prioritize relationships?

People will burn out. People will hate their job. People will quit.

Being hyper-focused on efficiency will cause long-term problems in communication and reduced quality of life for every member of the team resulting in their dissatisfaction.

Tiersa taught us in this episode why relationships are important and how we could create a culture that values our connection with each other in the workplace and in every other community that is within our space of leadership.

Creating A Positive Culture

“Culture is sometimes hard to manage. It’s hard to measure in terms of monetary or in terms of productivity. But you certainly can measure the impact when it’s not there.” - Tiersa Hall

Culture isn’t always measurable but it’s still very important. If you’re a leader in any space, then you’re responsible for the culture.

Here’s how you can have a positive culture according to Tiersa:

1.) You have an open environment and freedom of expression. As a leader, you have to encourage people to be affront and give honest feedback. You need to always ensure that they feel a sense of empowerment and that they could express to you freely the challenges that they face in the workplace.

2.) Read the need. Commit to not just wait until someone communicates but think about what works best for them. Equip your team with the tools and resources they need in order to understand each other's work style and personality type so that they will be able to understand each other and anticipate each one’s needs even before they are communicated.

3.) Leading leaders listen. We have to have an open mind, we have to be able to hear what’s happening in the environment and to be able to pick up on those clues that give us the right insight in order that we could connect with people in the right way.

Remember that culture is strongest when the leaders are in a position where the employees are empowered. Your job is to work together to continue to build on the great foundation that you already have or, for those who are just starting out, build a foundation of a great culture. It’s never too soon and it’s never too late to ensure that you start putting those qualities in place.

“The culture that you create in your home, the culture you create in your team, and the culture that the organization already has may be different or they may be the same, but they need to be aligned.” - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

Focusing On Relationships

People think that building relationships means investing a huge amount of time on that person when that’s not the case at all. You can connect with people in simple ways, all you’ve got to do is be consistent.

Tiersa offers three tips on how we could build connections in the workplace:

1.) Create a process that allows you to focus on relationships. Think of it as an ongoing project instead of one major event. Be intentional in connecting to people in simple ways and do it consistently.

2.) Don’t build the relationship culture on your own. If you’re building a relationship, then you’re part of a connection with someone else or a group of people. Introduce this concept to them as well, because then they will help hold you accountable to the relationship.

3.) Connect to people in a unique way. It’s one thing to tell people “good job”, but it’s something else to tell them specifically what it is you appreciate about the person. Be specific when praising other people, recognize what they did. If you do that, your people will see that you are observant, that you are noting specifically what they do and that will create a sense of pride and gratefulness within the individual that you are connecting with.

Impactful relationships are not just about skating the surface, but with true intention, making a connection with an individual that goes beyond the basics.

You Have A Gift

Tiersa discussed the importance of recognizing your own gifts and using it to serve the world. She says that this special gift that we have must be used to impact the world in a major way.

People in the world right now are in a dark room, looking for something. Your gift is the light that will take them to where they want to go and find what they need to find.

However, impacting the world doesn’t just happen, you have to intend that - you have to desire that. Know that you have a greater purpose within you to connect and that the world needs your light.

Make your mark, shine your light!

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