Confidence with Healthy Habits

confidence Apr 17, 2022

#LeadandLift | Episode 08 | Cathy Turner Murphy

Have you ever felt like you want to be healthier, and not sure of the steps to start?

Sometimes when you are unsure of something, you lack the courage to take a chance and then it impacts your confidence.

My friend Cathy LIVES a LIFE that she LOVES and loves helping others do the same, while traveling full-time with her husband in a 46-foot RV. As a Healthy Living Navigator, Cathy helps people take control of their health by leading them through a monthly Healthy Habit Challenge that is focused on resting the body from the foods and habits that do not serve our bodies well, while focusing on foods and habits that help our bodies work more optimally to decrease inflammation and oxidation.

Cathy believes that Health is Wealth. Without health, you will spend all your wealth chasing health. But with Health, you can LIVE a LIFE that you LOVE. 

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How do you get healthy while being on the road? 
  • Full-time healthy lifestyle
  • Shred10 healthy habits challenge
  • The role of community in healthy living

I hope you love this interview as much as I did and realize how you too can increase your confidence with healthy habits and increase our Wealth!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • If you want to enjoy life to the fullest, implement healthy habits and healthy foods in your every day life. 
  • Commit to a full-time healthy lifestyle but also, give yourself some space to take a break and eat something you want to.
  • Big healthy results come from committing to small change
  • Being healthy is easier to commit to if you’re doing it with other people. Support and accountability from a community can really make it fun. 

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I have added bonus episodes from the first virtual Lead and Lift summit and I shall be adding more bonus episodes.  If you’re not following, then you may miss the episodes.  Follow now! 

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