Five Little Known Steps to Become Confident in Yourself

#LeadandLift | Episode 78 | Ernelita Dacumos

Have you ever struggled with confidence?

Confidence is the courage to take thought to action and continuously do it every day and continuously show up, according to Ernelita.

Ernelita also known as Ernie, is an Independent Certified Coach, Facilitator, Trainer, and Speaker with the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team. She has been thriving in the Healthcare Industry for over 10 years while fulfilling her purpose of motivating, teaching, and empowering young leaders to see their full potential.

Personal Growth is where her passion is as she has gone through the journey herself.

She is an enthusiast when it comes to confidence and had worked on becoming a confidence mentor for her community and the people around her. Ernie's goal is to broaden her ability to help others. As she saw first-hand that personal growth must be intentional yet not always available to everyone.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • What is confidence
  • Three sources of courage
  • Secrets for growing your confidence
  • How vulnerability inspires others

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • Confidence is not a personality trait, it’s not something that’s purely innate in somebody. Confidence is a skill that can be learned, trained, and improved. 
  • If you need courage, here are three things that you can draw courage from: faith in yourself, faith that is given to you by others, or faith in a higher power. Having somebody that believes in you and using their faith as a reason to be courageous is a good starting point for being confident. 
  • Whenever you have an intuitive idea, thought, or dream, do it. Also, you have to do your best not to negotiate with yourself as it will cause you to not take action. Celebrate yourself with something simple. Lastly, take action. 
  • Some people think that being vulnerable would make you look weak, but actually, by being authentic and showing your vulnerability while also being a good example of a resilient person, you’ll be able to inspire others to do the same. People will look at you and would want to keep moving despite all that they are going through. 


Gift For YOU!

Do you feel you’re being as productive, influential and successful as you want to? 

Are you struggling to stay focused, to get ahead, or to better influence your team or customers? 

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