Leadership is like Parenting

confidence leadership Apr 17, 2022

#LeadandLift | Episode 03 | Lorna Weston-Smyth

You have been thinking about Leadership wrong; it is just like Parenting! You are already a leader!

Lorna Weston-Smyth is an International Executive Coach and Trainer who brings her years as a serial entrepreneur to businesses and professionals to help them grow to the next level.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • What leadership really is
  • Developing and recognizing leadership skills you already have 
  • More parallels between leadership and parenting
  • Communicating to influence effectively 

I hope you love this interview as much as I did and realize that you are already a leader!

 Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • Being a good leader is like being a good parent: good leaders want success for their people, they want to let their people be independent and have accountability, and that they want their people to get along with other people. 
  • The quote “do as I say, not what I do” does not work in parenting and neither does it work in leadership. 
  • If you can negotiate with a child to eat vegetables, you’re already a leader! 
  • Understanding people (or your children) and adjusting how you convey your influence into a language they understand will help you influence them more effectively. 

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I have added bonus episodes from the first virtual Lead and Lift summit and I shall be adding more bonus episodes.  If you’re not following, then you may miss the episodes.  Follow now! 

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